

Unveiling Its Numerous Advantages

Spray Granite is a revolutionary and versatile coating system that boasts a long list of benefits. It is a waterproof and seamless solution that is ideal for wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens as well as outside walls. The coating is highly durable and scratch-resistant, making it a great choice for high-traffic areas. Additionally, it is low maintenance and easy to clean, making it a convenient option for homeowners and businesses. With its excellent technical specifications, spray granite is a practical and stylish solution for a wide range of applications.

Spray Granite truly transforms the way you think about coatings, providing a perfect blend of practicality and beauty. Whether you’re considering a home renovation or a commercial upgrade, this remarkable solution offers a wealth of benefits to enhance your living and working spaces.


Spray granite systems are completely non porous and therefore ideal for exterior wall applications as well as bathrooms and floors.

UV Resistant

Spray granite surfaces maintain their colour when exposed to direct sunlight, remaining just as the first day installed.

Stain Resistant

No need to worry about spilt wine stains or any other spillages as spray granite is waterproof and can be easily cleaned.

Scratch Resistant

Surfaces are hard-wearing and resistant to scratches. They are tough enough to be used as a warehouse flooring solution.

Chemical Resistant

Spray granite surfaces maintain their colour when exposed to direct sunlight, remaining just as the first day installed.

Weather Resistant

Spray granite will not change or crack as a result of sharp temperature fluctuations including hot or cold temperatures.

Zero VOCs

Spray granite products have been carefully designed and do not emit volatile organic compounds also known as VOCs.

Zero Allergens

Spray granite surfaces are free of any allergens such as fungi, moulds, mites, microbes, bacteria that could cause a reaction.


Spray granite has been purposely engineered to be resistant to all types of bacteria ensuring surfaces are hygienic and safe.

Odour Free

Unlike other coating materials, spray granite is extremely quick drying and does not emit strong odours when being applied


Additional coatings are available which not only prevent bacteria to grow on surfaces, but it actively kills 99.9% of microbes.

Zero PVC

Despite its versatility and multiple applications, ingredients in the spray granite systems do not contain PVC.


Spray granite floors are made with an abrasive grit to reduce the risk of slipping. A higher friction can be achieved if required.

Heat Resistant

Spray granite surfaces do not change shape at high temperatures and perform just as well when compared to traditional kitchen tops.

Shipping Efficient

One container fits 1,500m² of real granite, whereas it can hold 150,000m² of spray granite. That’s a whopping 100 times more!

Floor Heating Friendly

Spray granite is an ideal option for seamless floors and can be effectively combined with floor heating systems.


Spray granite products are environmentally friendly with a low environmental impact from production all the way to distribution.